Lucky Gift, More Than A Pair Of Sunglasses
While we may think of luck as being something that happens to us by complete chance, there are things we can do to turn up the dial and set ourselves on the path for prosperity. Whether you are looking for a flush of love, extra fortune, or just a hidden door of possibility to open wide, luck is something that we can attract.
Crystals can actually help us to tap into these hidden pots of luck. Each crystal is unique, but they all have certain vibrations which can amplify your intentions out into the universe and draw in the powers of manifestation.
These sunglasses are made of pure crystal material.
As a pair of sunglasses, they are good for blocking UV rays and making light entering eyes soft. Especially recommeded for summer wearing because crystal can delivery long-lasting calmness to your eyes.
As a crystal craft, these sunglasses also perform well in delivering best wishes and care to the ones you care. They are delightful and elegant presents.